
Friday, July 31, 2015

Bump Glow Maternity

I got to do a collaboration with Bump Glow Maternity recently.
If you are not familiar with Bump Glow Maternity, they carry maternity brands like GAP, Old Navy, H&M, Oh Baby and brands at discounted prices, which is awesome because who doesn't love a great deal? I know I do!

Check out the adorable dress they sent me:

I wore some cute wedges and simple jewelry.
This dress was super comfy and light, which worked perfectly in the summer heat.
It's adorable and perfect to wear on a day out shopping, or even to work!
Make sure to check out Bump Glow Maternity to get some cute outfits to dress up your baby bump!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

PinkBlush Maternity

When Brandy from PinkBlush Maternity contacted me to do a collaboration I was so excited!
I had heard of PinkBlush, and checked out their website when I first found out I was pregnant, and I couldn't wait to shop around and pick out some cute maternity dresses to wear.

Check out the 3 dresses I got and see how adorable they make my baby bump look!

Can I just say how absolutely obsessed I am with this dress?!
You think it looks gorgeous in pictures, it looks even better in person!
I didn't really need any big accessories to dress it up, since the pattern is so pretty and LOUD!
I just wore some gold bangles and simple earrings, and cute wedges.
I loved it so much that I ended up using it as one of my outfits for my maternity shoot.

Here I am with hubby wearing it:

I will definitely be wearing this amazing dress even after Baby Girl comes!

I also got this Mint-Green Maxi Dress.
It fit so well and it was really light and comfortable, especially in the summer heat.
It's another dress I'll definitely be wearing even after my baby bump is gone.
I love that I got to dress it up with a fun big necklace and pretty bracelets since it's a solid color.

And lastly I got this white and lavender maxi dress.
I wore a cute big necklace with it with some lavender and sea foam colored beads.
So pretty and delicate. I'm love with the colors!

Make sure to check out PinkBlush Maternity, they are currently holding a 25% off sitewide sale.
Their maternity clothes are adorable, and they are not just for maternity!
I cannot wait to get more pretty dresses from their maternity boutique!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Week 31

How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 28 pounds.
Stretch Marks? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, some!
Sleep: Still waking up multiple times at night, sadly.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing Baby Girl in 4D! She is sooo cute and I'm one happy mama! And, MATERNITY PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to share!
Worst Moment This Week: Honestly, I can't complain about this week!
Miss Anything: Being able to wear whatever I want and feel comfortable.
Movement: Yes! She's a little dancer.
Cravings: Still sweets! Ice cream, shakes, smoothies... Yum!
Queasy or Sick: Actually, I don't know if it's the heat, but I've been getting light headed here and there, yes I'm staying hydrated!
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.. But getting tight.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: My Baby Shower this weekend!!! Woo hoo!!!

Friday, July 17, 2015

How I Feel About Creepers

So I got some disturbing emails yesterday which led me to making a post on Instagram.
I wanted to share it here too for my blog readers to read. Social Media can be a scary place!

This picture is for all the creepy people out there who ruin stuff for everyone else.

My husband is livid because I got some really creepy emails from a guy, talking about how he loves my belly and to write him back and he hopes its not creepy.

First of all, YES! Yes dude you are sooooo creepy! Do you really think that I'm going to write you back when you are acting like a total stalker? My husband is about to send your information to the police because he's so pissed and freaked out!

I understand I'm the one who made this account, and I understand I'm the one making a choice to post pictures, but at the same time, I do not appreciate stuff like that from men! I have been with my husband for 8 years, I am happily married, where's the respect?

The whole point of this account (and blog) was to connect with other moms and moms to be, and I don't mind any followers as long as you're respectful! There's a certain line you don't cross.

With that said I spent the last 45 minutes blocking people, I've lost over 400 followers because I just went block crazy! Anyone who followed thousands of people but had 0 pictures and 0 followers got blocked, a lot of guys got blocked even for no reason, if you had pictures but they were all internet pictures you were blocked, I don't even care!

I'm also posting this to make my fellow mom friends aware, look through your follower list, get rid of people! It's not about how many followers you have, it's about WHO is following you! I'm seriously considering deleting this profile and my blog, which breaks my heart because 99.9% of my experience on this account has been positive. I've made some amazing friends who I hope to keep for a lifetime!

Thank God this creepiness only happened once, but I don't want it to happen ever again, once is enough! Get a clue creeps!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week 30

How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 25-27 pounds.
Stretch Marks? No.
Maternity Clothes: Pants!
Sleep: Still waking up multiple times at night, it's really going to suck going back to work like this, when I can't sleep.
Best Moment This Week: Naples mini vacation. I hung out at the pool all day and ate junk haha.
Worst Moment This Week: Same as last week.. No sleep, numbness on my stomach, back pains.
Miss Anything: Being able to fit in my normal sized clothes and bend over.
Movement: Yes, I've been trying so hard to get some movement on video, but of course every time I take out my phone to record she stops.
Cravings: Ice cream and Coconut Water.
Queasy or Sick: Not really, I just get so full so fast when I eat and it hurts!
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.. But getting tight.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Getting my hair done, taking our maternity pictures, and seeing Baby Girl in 4D!

And here are some pics from this week:
Dexter hanging with his Baby Sister!

Fun in the sun and yummy virgin drinks!
Belly Button GONE by the way lol!

Sun Kissed and ready for hibachi dinner!

Pretty flowers! I take pics with these every time I go to this hotel.

Haven't had French Toast in forever!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Social Media Hospital Sign

So I'm clearly all about social media.
I have a special Instagram just for my pregnancy journey (and soon to be baby) on top of my own, my hedgehog's and my business, Facebook, Twitter (which I don't even really use lol) and of course I have this blog where I share a lot about my life!


One thing that drives me nuts is when other people share things about you and your life before you get to do it yourself.
Whether it be an engagement, a wedding, or like in my case right now, a birth.
Not only that, some people post pics of other people that make you say WTF, really?
No way they would appreciate having a picture of themselves like that all up on the internet!!!

With that said I'm kind of having anxiety over my delivery day and what kind of horrible pictures people are going to take and post of me in labor, and also freaking out over the first picture the world will see of my Baby Girl.
I want to make sure it's a good picture, she's going to be making her world debut lol!!!

At the same time I don't want my family and friends to feel like they can't take pictures of their experience of my Baby Girl's arrival, that's not it at all!!!! But it's a private moment, a very private moment, and I would like to have control of what's out there for the world to see, you know?

So after thinking about it I decided to make a sign for the hospital door so before people come in they can read it, and know that I am 1,000% OK with them taking allllll the pictures they want, but also have the courtesy to wait until my husband and I announce our new arrival first.
I have an awesome family and super cool friends, so I don't think they'll think it's a big deal at all, but I just want to send my message without having to repeat myself a bunch of times and be awkward.

I made a blank girl version and boy version of the sign I created in case any of you expecting mamas like the idea and would like to use it for your delivery day!
I'm going to print my sign on cardstock, laminate it and tape it to the hospital door, and maybe even put one in the room in case people miss the sign on the door for some reason!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Week 29

How Far Along: 29 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 23-25 pounds.
Stretch Marks? Nope! Yayyyyyy! Fingers crossed forever!
Maternity Clothes: I finally invested in some maternity jeans, because I can't stand not being able to wear jeans when I want. Also, I finally tried on some nursing bras, but I didn't buy any yet because I'm still growing! I've gone from a 32D to a 36DD so far, and milk is still coming!! Even though they're kind of awkward, I'm going to miss my pregnant boobs haha!
Sleep: What is that? Seriously, I don't sleep. I can't go to sleep early, then I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep for another 3 hours, then I finally fall back asleep again for another 3-4 hours.. So weird!
Best Moment This Week: Finding out I passed the Glucose Test! Hooray! You can read about it here. I got a 103, and 140 was failing, according to the lab lady, so I'm happy I get to eat ice cream all I want! Well, all baby wants! I've been on an ice cream craze!
Worst Moment This Week: No sleep, numbness on my stomach, back pains.. The usual.
Miss Anything: Getting a full night of uninterrupted sleep, beer by the pool and raw fish.
Movement: Yes, Baby Girl started to do this crazy thing where it feels like there's an alien in my stomach trying to come out. Also, I had a super weird dream, where I was in bed with hubby and the baby started to push in my stomach, and I could see her hand!! Like perfectly!!!! It was so bizarre! So I told Jaime (hubby) to go get the camera to take a picture, and I was holding her little hand through my stomach, and he couldn't get a good picture and I was getting mad because I didn't want to hold her hand so hard because I was afraid of hurting her!!! So I was mad, and then I guess my skin opened on my stomach and I just pulled her out lol! She was the tiniest little baby. What a crazy dream huh?!
Cravings: Ice cream and ice cream shakes, and ice cream lol!
Queasy or Sick: Not this week!
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Going to Naples this weekend and having some fun in the sun!

Enjoy some phone pics from this week!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Week 28

How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 22-23 pounds.
Stretch Marks? Nope! I would be crying every single day.
Maternity Clothes: Pants and bigger sized regular shirts.
Sleep: I started to wake up at around 4:30AM every night, and I usually can't go back to sleep for 2-3 hours... It's so annoying! But I guess Baby Girl is preparing me for what's to come! Thank God I'm a teacher and I have summers off because I don't know what I would do going to work on like 5 hours of sleep every day!
Best Moment This Week: Going shopping for the baby shower, it's getting closer and I'm so excited to celebrate Baby Girl with all my ladies!
Worst Moment This Week: The Glucose Test. Even though it wasn't as bad as I thought, my nerves were crazy! Read about it here.
Miss Anything: Getting a full night of uninterrupted sleep still!!!
Movement: Yes, she's a dancer! Good! Because I definitely plan on putting her in dance class and I hope she loves it!
Cravings: Sweets all day every day!
Queasy or Sick: Eh.. I'm alright.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: No! I'm scared for those!
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: OMG picking a freaking name!!!!!!

Zoey hanging out on Baby Girl's clothes.
She's going to be so sweet to the baby, I can't wait to see them cuddled up together!

First laundry batch. Pink overload!

Baby Shower flowers! We bought a dozen to play with centerpieces.

Playing with Zoey in the stroller!

Photo Booth props! Two Princesses! Well, 3!

Took some pics cause I don't think I have enough "everyday" type pictures of the bump!

I'm obsessed with this pool float! I'm so sad these pictures came out overexposed!
Oh well, I did my best to fix them!