
Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 37

How Far Along: 37 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 33-35 pounds.
Stretch Marks? No, but definitely lots of veins on my belly and boobs.
Maternity Clothes: Some, they fit me best though, every time I wear an actual maternity dress I get a lot of compliments. :)
Sleep: Pretty good actually.
Best Moment This Week: Getting the Baby's HALO Bassinest, mamaRoo and Boon High Chair!
Worst Moment This Week: Soooooo swollen! My feet and hands. After a day of work it feels like I just walked around a theme park for 12 hours, it's crazy. And the heat. Ugh.
Miss Anything: Being comfortable.
Movement: Yes! I feel bad, I feel like she's so uncomfortable in there! My poor baby.
Cravings: Water and sweets.
Queasy or Sick: Not this week, yay!
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Cramps and Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat, sometimes out still.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Off, boo.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Holding my Baby Girl.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Breastfeeding Awareness Month

August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month so I wanted to talk about some benefits of breastfeeding for both baby and mom, why I'm choosing to breastfeed my baby, and also share some awesome Breastfeeding Accessories.

I've talked to many mothers and every single one that I've talked to either says that breastfeeding was one of the best things they've ever done, or that they wish it had worked out for them.
I understand, breastfeeding can be hard, maybe you can't produce enough milk, maybe the baby can't latch, maybe baby refuses to nurse, etc. Whatever the reason may be, I hear that it's not easy!
But, one thing I'm doing is going into it with a very positive attitude.

Breastfeeding is something I want to do, for both my baby and myself, so I won't quit easily, I am taking the challenge! I want to have that bond with my baby, I really think I'll enjoy spending that time with her, just Baby Girl and I, especially since she won't be in my belly anymore!

If you look up "Breastfeeding Benefits" they'll all say similar things.
"Breast Milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight off bacteria and viruses."
"Breastfeeding is great for your baby's immune system."
"Breast Milk contains the perfect mix of protein, vitamins and fat, which is everything your baby needs to grow."
And so on and so on... Basically, breast milk is GOLD for babies!

Breastfeeding will also help me get back to my pre-pregnancy body, which I'm really excited for!
"Breastfeeding burns extra calories, so it can help you lose pregnancy weight faster. It releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may reduce uterine bleeding after birth. Breastfeeding also lowers your risk of breast and ovarian cancer. It may lower your risk of osteoporosis, too." -WebMD

To help me with my breastfeeding journey, Hannah from Izzy Maternity was so kind to send me some products to review. Since Baby Girl isn't here yet, I will touch back on the items that I have received when I start using them, but I wanted to share these great items I got so you can try them out for yourself!

#1 is the Bravado Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra.
This Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra is super comfy! Let me tell you, as soon as I tried it on I was obsessed right away, I love this bra! Not only is it comfortable with its seamless soft fabric, it hugs your body just enough to move with you, so you can barely feel it.
It features removable, molded foam cups for a lining when you want it to hide your nipples or breast pads, which is how I'll be wearing it, but if you prefer, you have the ability to take it out.
There is no underwire, which is awesome because I feel like underwire is so uncomfortable, and the cups drop fully away from the breast, as recommended by health care professionals.
There are easy to use and discrete nursing clips with one-hand access, and a sizing system that makes this bra perfect for any stage of pregnancy or nursing, to comfortably fit your changing shape. The Bravado Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra is the top selling soft cup nursing bra for Izzy Maternity, and I can definitely see why! You can use it as a sleeping bra and a day bra too.
Check it out here.

#2 is the Melinda G Simply Divine Tee-Shirt Soft-Cup Nursing Bra with Removable Pads.
This bra is great, but to me it definitely felt more like a maternity bra, than a regular bra.
This bra has seamless spacer fabric cups for shapely support and subtle enhancement, and removable pads for added curves and discretion. You can wear it with the pads for discreet coverage and some added ”oomph" or you can also wear it without the pads for a more natural look. Again, I'll be wearing this bra with the pads. There are one-handed clips on the cups for nursing ease and back hooks & eyes to accommodate your changing figure.
Check it out here.

#3 is the Simple Wishes Hands Free Pump Bra.
This bra is so cool! You get to pump without having to use your hands, allowing you to do other things while pumping, or just so you can relax while using your breast pump.
The patented design is adjustable in size, using Velcro, which I thought was so cool, to sustain a perfect fit over time as a nursing mother’s size changes. Straps and 1” Zip In Center Panel are included to help achieve the perfect fit. I got it in a pretty baby pink color. Izzy Maternity can barely keep it in stock since it's so popular!
Check it out here.

#4 is the Undercover Mama Tank.
This tank is great, it can attach to any bra! Each shirt includes two attachment options. It looks sleek under your favorite top and adds a natural slimming effect. The undershirts are constructed of quality material and are made to last. The Undercover doesn't bunch up, slide around, or ball up after washing. The length allows you to tuck it in or go for a layered look. I definitely see myself wearing this out for easy breastfeeding, or in the house when I know people are coming over and I need to nurse my baby but don't want to go hide away. You just lift your regular shirt up, unclip the tank and pull it down, so you're covered on the top and the bottom!
Check it out here.

#5 is the Chewbeads Jane Necklace in Pink.
The Jane necklace is a non-toxic chewable necklace perfect for your teething baby. These necklaces come in a variety of colors, I got the pink one pictured above. Even though my Baby Girl won't be teething for a little while, I have been using the necklace as an accessory since it's so cute! I'm also going to wear it while breastfeeding, so Baby Girl can have something to look at and pull on while she's feeding. I totally bit it by the way, to see how it feels. I'm a curious person! Don't judge! I know that if I was a teething baby I would love the texture on my gums, haha!
Check it out here.

I also got to try a Milkmakers Pregnancy Cookie .

I got the Morning Glory flavor and I really really liked it! It was yummy, and filling and I would eat it even if I wasn't pregnant. I wish I was introduced to this cookie earlier because I would have been eating at least one every day, I loved the flavor. Not only does this cookie taste delicious, they are made with organic, natural, real food ingredients that are packed with the proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats a mom-to-be should be munching on, and there are no preservatives. So awesome!
Izzy Maternity does not currently carry this item, but if you are interested in trying it, you can check it out here.

Another item I got was a Nursing Time Tea.

I am waiting until Baby Girl is here to actually try it, but I wanted to share it with you mamas in case any of you are looking for a special tea to help with your breastfeeding.
The Nursing Time Tea is an all-natural herbal tonic designed to help nursing mothers increase their milk flow and soothe digestive unease of both mother and baby.
Izzy Maternity does not currently carry this item, but if you are interested in trying it, you can check it out here.

So, what accessories do you think are the best when it comes to breastfeeding?
I would love any advice and suggestions, leave them in the comments!

Use the code "lauraco" for 10% off your purchase of any items at Izzy Maternity Clothes!
It is not restricted to the items I mentioned, or just nursing, but in fact can be used on anything purchased from Izzy Maternity.
Offer ends on September 30th, so make sure you take advantage now!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

House of Leyton Maternity Dress

Elle from House of Leyton sent me a beautiful pink maternity dress.
It's stretchy and soft and just so pretty!

You can wear it pregnant or not, which I love because the dress is flattering no matter what!
The v-neckline can be pulled aside for breastfeeding, and you can choose to have a slit or not, and if you want long sleeves or short sleeves.
They also come in different colors!

Check out how adorable my pink dress is, an awesome way to celebrate my last month of pregnancy!

Make sure to check out House of Leyton!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 36

How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 30ish pounds.
Stretch Marks? No, but definitely lots of veins on my belly.
Maternity Clothes: OMG, back to work has been brutal with choosing clothes every morning. I feel like I need to choose one dress and wear it every single day until I give birth because everything is so uncomfortable and I refuse to buy bigger work clothes this late in the game.
Sleep: Fine.
Best Moment This Week: Starting school! Even though it's not as easy being 9 month pregnant, I like having a schedule and hanging out with my students and coworkers doing what I love.
Worst Moment This Week: My back! Sciatica! Feeling weak... Swollen feet, not being able to handle the heat.. Can't wait for winter and for Baby Girl to be out lol!
Miss Anything: Being able to bend down and lift things, just being able to be independent for everything.
Movement: Yes! Lots of hiccuping which was freaking me out because it has been happening so much more, but my doctor said it's fine and a sign of maturity.
Cravings: Water! Is water a craving? Cause I want water all the time.
Queasy or Sick: Not this week.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Cramps are happening now... But that's still about it.
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat, sometimes out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Off! Still so sad. I miss my rings and still freak out sometimes thinking I lost them.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Baby Girl being here!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What's In Baby's Hospital Bag?

I have gotten such amazing feedback on my blog posts, thank you so much!

I wanted to share with you what I packed (and chose to NOT pack) in Baby Girl's Hospital bag.

I packed different sized onesies.
I packed Newborn size and 0-3 Months size since I don't know what will fit her.
I only packed 6 of these because she will be wearing cute outfits for pictures and for when people are visiting us. Yes, PINK overload!

I packed 3 little PJs for her to sleep in, hopefully we will only be at the hospital for 2 nights, but you never know with spitting up and accidents, I have one extra.

These 4 bags have specific outfits for her to wear for pictures and visitors.
These outfits are in bags because I wanted to keep everything together, the onesie, the bottoms and the accessories, that way I won't have to worry about finding pieces that go together.
They are numbered so if I can't grab them myself I can just tell hubby grab bag #1 or grab bag #3!
They are customized, but since we are not revealing her name until she is born, I kept them in the bags instead of spreading them out to show you, you'll just have to see them on her! :)

Swaddle Blankets & Boppy.
I actually have 3 more swaddle blankets packed up, but they are customized, so again, I'm not showing you, haha! Making it a total of 5 swaddle blankets I'm bringing.
Her Boppy will help me with breastfeeding and when people want to hold her if they want to use it.

These are extra little things I'm bringing:
  • The first burp cloth matches my hospital gown.
  • Baby's First Doll, just cause it's cute! :)
  • Socks
  • Pacifiers, because even though the hospital will provide them, I wanted her to have some cute and girly ones.
  • Extra bows and headbands, these are on top of the ones that I already packed with the coordinating outfits haha. :)
  • The other 3 colorful burp cloths (detail above) are from Bitty B Design, aren't they adorable? Riley was so nice to send those for Baby Girl and I cannot wait to use them with her! Not only is the fabric super cute, the cotton chenille backing is super absorbent and soft! I tried it with water just to see how much liquid it would hold and I'm sold! :) My husband can't believe that they're going to be used to catch spit up, he thinks they are too pretty! Not only does Bitty B Design make burp cloths, they have blankets, teethers, poppy covers and soon they will be offering leggings, which I can't wait to get my hands on a pair!!! There are many different fabrics and designs to choose from, make sure you check them out here!
I also packed Baby Girl a take home outfit which is not pictured.

In case you are thinking that it doesn't seem like I packed any essentials, I chose to not pack diapers, wipes or cream because the hospital will provide them, and I wanted to pack light!

This is the bag I bought to pack all of Baby Girl's things in.

This is what it looks like inside all packed up! :)

Stay tuned for what I packed in MY bag! That is a whole different story!!!
It made packing for baby look EASY!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Labor & Delivery Nurse Thank You Bags

So I know that while I'm in the hospital to deliver Baby Girl there will be some amazing nurses taking care of me, and then her.
I decided to make some simple little bags with goodies just to say THANK YOU!

After lots of Pinteresting and asking a bunch of my nurse friends for ideas, I came up with some things I think they'll enjoy the most.

Check out what I put in each bag:

Here are the bags, I made little tags saying Thank You signed from Hubby and I, and tied a pink ribbon to close the bags up and make them look cute!

So these are the items I chose:
  • Little Nurse Rubber Ducky- Just to be cute! :) Rubber Duckies go with the "baby" theme, and having them dressed up as a nurse was adorable haha! You can find the Nurse Ducks here.
  • Syringe Pen- A lot of my nurse friends told me that they always need pens, so I went one step above and ordered those syringe pens to keep up with the cuteness! You can find those pens here.
  • Chocolate- I chose a chocolate without peanuts, just in case of allergies!
  • Mini Hand Sanitizer- I got scents that weren't too overwhelming.
  • Gum
  • Mints

Bags & Treats

I made 12 bags total, hopefully that's enough, I hear that I'll be seeing lots and lots of nurses for my whole stay.
Hope I was able to give you some ideas!
Let me know if you made bags for your Labor & Delivery Nurses and what you included in them. :)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 35

How Far Along: 35 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 30ish pounds.
Stretch Marks? No, come on only a little longer!
Maternity Clothes: I hate clothes right now.
Sleep: Napping a lot more now that I'm back to work!
Best Moment This Week: Talking to my doctor about my birth plan, finding out I'm 1 cm dilated. I truly truly LOVE my doctor, she's amazing.
Worst Moment This Week: My back! Sciatica! Feeling weak.. Ugh. Baby Girl is kicking my ass. Having a melt down over my "messy" house lol, I just want everything clean and perfect.
Miss Anything: Feeling like myself.
Movement: Yes! Lots and lots and lots, especially at night.
Cravings: Nothing really this week, I guess Ramen Noodles, I've had lots of that.
Queasy or Sick: Yeah, pretty queasy actually, I thought I was going to pass out at work the other day, I didn't understand it because I was fed and super hydrated, but still felt so weak.. Weird!
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Cramps are happening now...
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Off! My engagement ring still fits, but my wedding band got so tight I took it off before I had to get it cut off! Sad about it..
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Having my baby with me.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Put A Bird On It Weekly Countdown Shirt

I ran into a shop called "Put A Bird On It", they make these super cute Maternity Countdown Shirts.
They have the countdown shirts in both white and gray. I got the gray one.
The shirt is soft, comfortable and light. It's stretchy on the side so your growing bump can fit no matter how big you get!
Check out how adorable the Maternity Countdown Shirt is below:

The shirt came with a red fabric sharpie, but I did not have the heart to write on the shirt! It's just too cute!!!

40 Weeks of baby bump pics!

35 Weeks already!

Only 5 more weeks to go!

Maybe I'll use the red sharpie with my next baby bump! ;)

Make sure to check out Put A Bird On It Shop to get your own Maternity Countdown Shirt!

Thank you so much Daniela for the opportunity to review your shirt, I love it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Week 34

How Far Along: 34 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 30ish pounds.
Stretch Marks? No, but I definitely have been feeling some pulling and stretching from the inside. I'm freaking out!!!
Maternity Clothes: I don't even wanna talk about clothes, seriously.
Sleep: Still waking up multiple times at night, especially to pee! So annoying and painful to get up because all of Baby Girl's weight goes on my bladder. Ugh!
Best Moment This Week: Just feeling more movement, it's definitely more intense now and I love knowing that she's ok in there, being silly and flipping around.
Worst Moment This Week: My back! My back hurts so bad all the time and she's still pinching the same nerve, making my whole right side get numb.
Miss Anything: Fitting into my regular clothes, and being able to sit for a while without my back or belly hurting... Same old.
Movement: Yes! I love it!!!
Cravings: Nothing really this week.
Queasy or Sick: Not really.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.. But getting tighter and tighter!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Finishing last minute things before Baby Girl comes.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Baby Dresser Organization

Ok so I am an organized freak.
You wouldn't believe me if you walked into my house right now, but we are in the process of getting a storage room built so that's my excuse! Plus, we had to move so much stuff around to make a nursery, so it's a hot mess in here right now. LOL!

One thing that I knew I wanted to do as soon as I found out I was pregnant, was have a very organized nursery, especially if I had a girl since they have so many accessories.

Take a peek at how I organized Baby Girl's Dresser!

So I've been in love with this Dresser for a while, it's from IKEA, I didn't like the knobs so I decided to replace them, and it makes such a difference!
I knew I didn't want/or have space for a changing table, so I got a changing pad instead, and this will be where I'll change diapers, I also put the diaper trash bin right next to the dresser.
That diaper cake my good friend Natalia made for my Baby Shower, it's so cute that I haven't had the heart to take it apart, so it will stay up there as decoration for now haha!

This tray has a tissue box, some cotton swabs, and cotton balls in the little "sugar" bowl.
The Sophie and Little Lamb Teether are chillin' there for decoration, until they will be needed!

Ok so now for the drawers!
I used the IKEA Skubb Box Organizers to organize everything in the drawers by the way!

Drawer #1 is just full of diapers. Easy access when changing Baby Girl!

Drawer #2 has:
Washcloths that I don't mind getting dirty/stained. I'll be putting them under Baby Girl's butt when changing her so her changing pad covers don't get stained. I got them from IKEA too, a pack of 10 of them is only $4! Can't beat that!
Grooming Kit with stuff like a regular thermometer, little comb and hair brush, etc.
Also a thermometer pacifier, Nose Frida with extra filters, etc.
Baby Lotions and Creams, wipes, pacifiers, pacifier clips and Wubbanubs.

Drawer #3 has socks, booties and shoes.
This drawer will eventually change once I find another place for her shoes.
These are the smaller sized shoes she has, the rest I put in her closet.

Drawer 4 is full of accessories because - GIRL!
She has head wraps, sunglasses, jewelry, head bands, hair bows and hair clips.
Oh my!

Drawer #5 has newborn sized onesies and pants/bottoms, 0-3 months sized onesies and bottoms and some burp cloths and washcloths.

Drawer #6 has 3-6 month sized onesies and bottoms, and some 6-9 and even 9-12 months sized onesies and bottoms. It also has bibs.

Drawer #7 PJs, zip ones, button ones, footie ones, cotton ones, fleece ones, really just a bunch of different PJs.
It also has towels, some bigger washcloths and extra crib sheets.

Drawer #8, the final drawer has blankets, swaddle blankets, and swaddle bags.
Most of them were gifts, some were bought at Ross or TJ Maxx, even Etsy.

So! What did you think? Let me know in the comments! :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Week 33

How Far Along: 33 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 28 pounds.
Stretch Marks? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Maternity Clothes: Yes. But been rocking the maxi dresses and maxi skirts cause the maternity jeans are baggy.
Sleep: Still waking up multiple times at night, especially to pee! So annoying and painful to get up.
Best Moment This Week: Feeling Baby Girl hiccup all the time. Even though I won't lie, it tends to get annoying after 5 minutes lol, it's like my stomach is having a mini seizure cause it's tiny little baby shakes every second.
Worst Moment This Week: Going into my classroom and not being able to move things myself, unpack, lift things, get up on chairs to put things up on my wall.. Such a struggle!
Miss Anything: Fitting into my regular clothes, and being able to sit for a while without my back or belly hurting... That's still a fact, and now my feet hurt so bad after being on them for a while.
Movement: Yes! She's booty shaking and punching and kicking me all day.
Cravings: ICE ICE WATER! Super cold icy water with extra ice. I want it all day... But then PEE!!! Ohhhhh the struggle!
Queasy or Sick: Still light headed here and there.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: No, but I feel those Braxton Hicks everyone talked about!
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat, out sometimes but not really. I don't know!
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.. But getting tighter and tighter!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Getting my classroom set up so I can be mentally ready for the new school year!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Week 32

How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Weight Gain: About 28 pounds.
Stretch Marks? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Maternity Clothes: Yes. Unfortunately even a XS Petite pair of maternity jeans are big on me! They sag, it's so annoying!! But there's definitely no way regular jeans will fit me lol! Shorts work though! :)
Sleep: Still waking up multiple times at night, sadly. Mostly to go to the bathroom. Lately I've been able to fall right back asleep though, thankfully! Lets hope I didn't just jinx myself.
Best Moment This Week: The Baby Shower! Everything was beautiful and Baby Girl got so many clothes, she won't even be able to wear them all, lol!
Worst Moment This Week: Back pains, it sucks to be so uncomfortable all the time.
Miss Anything: Fitting into my regular clothes, and being able to sit for a while without my back or belly hurting.
Movement: Yes! She definitely responds to sounds now.
Cravings: Smoothies, cupcakes, steak.
Queasy or Sick: Still light headed here and there.
Have You Started To Show Yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: No, but I feel those Braxton Hicks everyone talked about!
Belly Button In or Out? Weird and flat, out sometimes but not really. I don't know!
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.. But getting tighter and tighter!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy!
Looking Forward To: Getting everything ready for Baby Girl! Buy items I didn't get from my registry, finishing laundry, packing our hospital bags, etc.