
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Emma's Nursery Reveal

Well, here it is, Emma's Nursery Reveal!
I have gotten so many comments from so many mamas throughout my pregnancy and after Emma arrived wanting to see her nursery, and even though it was finished months before she was born, I wanted to make sure I had some really nice pictures to show it off!
And guess who came to the rescue? My friend Amanda from Lovely Bee Photography of course!

Check out Emma's Nursery with links to the sources.
I hope you love it as much I do, Emma certainly does, it's her favorite room in the house, she is always so smiley and happy and in the best mood when she's in her room, it's the cutest! It's like she knows it's HER special room. :)

Glider & Ottoman | Pink Shaggy Pillow from Home Goods (Similar Here) | Pink Lamb Plush

Cloud Pillow | Princess Pillow from Home Goods | Donut Pillow | Cupcake Pillow
(Little Lamb Plush was from Emma's 4D Ultrasound it has her heartbeat inside!)

Chevron Letter E - Home Made | Pink Mason Jar & Flowers - Home Made

Frames from IKEA | Mirror
* The pictures in the frames for the gallery wall were either made by me, or found on Google by typing "Watercolor Pink Heart", "Watercolor Pink Bow", "Water Color Animals".*

If I forgot to link anything and you'd like to know where it's from please leave me a comment and I'll let you know the source!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Emma - 2 Months

Baby Girl you are 2 Months! TWO MONTHS!!! STOP IT! :(
Even though I'm loving how more aware you are becoming, I miss my squishy baby who just slept on me all day! And it's also sad that time just goes by so fast, next thing I know you'll be running around, pulling Cooper and Zoey's ears and destroying the house!

There is so much to write about this month, so get ready for a long post.

You are becoming so smiley now, which I love! You are also trying to "talk".
It is the cutest thing and Mommy and Daddy, well, everyone melts when you smile.
Mommy tries to record you, but then you get distracted with the phone and stop.

You pay attention to things now, if Mommy is breastfeeding you while using her phone you look at the screen, you like to look at lights, and in the middle of the night when it's dark in the room and you're eating, you like to look at the ceiling and watch the shadows, so Mommy makes funny hand movements for you to see and you pay such close attention!
You also notice the TV and actually watch it, I can tell by looking at your little eyes that you're paying attention.

Mommy and Daddy had their first night out on your 5th week, we went to Pedro and Caro's wedding and you stayed with Grandma Bette at our house. You were a good girl and did a great job drinking Mommy's Milk from the bottle!

You trick or treated for the first time on Halloween with your cousins. You only lasted about 1 hour and you slept most of the time. When you were awake you cried, and every time we stopped walking you cried. You were in the stroller dressed up, and you did manage to score some candy, but since you're not allowed to eat any yet, Mommy and Daddy enjoyed them for you, haha.
You dressed up like Tinkerbell, Mommy was Wendy Darling and Daddy was Peter Pan.
Daddy made his costume all by himself, and insisted on wearing tights!

You went on your first road trip!
We went to Orlando so Mommy and Daddy could go to Halloween Horror Nights.
We waited until the very last day to go, but we really didn't want to miss out, it's a yearly tradition and I really can't wait until you can join us! I hope you love horror as much as Mommy does!
You stayed at the hotel with Vovó and she said you were such a good girl!
When we got to the hotel we realized that Daddy didn't pack the cooler (yes, it's his fault even though he denies it) so I freaked out because all the milk I had pumped for you stayed home! I messaged the lactation consultant for help and went to the store and got you some formula to supplement the milk I was able to pump before going to the park. All was well!

You also went to your first "event", Tia Fernanda's Surprise Bridal Shower. You were so well behaved, you couldn't even tell there was a baby there because you were so quiet.

Mommy had to go back to work this week. I cried and cried and cried.
I know you're in great hands, Vovó loves you so much, and you love her too, but Mommy wishes she could be the one taking care of you all day every day. After all, you are my baby, and I feel like that's what Mommies should do, take care of their babies, that should be all Mommies jobs!
But you are doing awesome! Vovó sends Mommy and Daddy pictures and videos every day! You mostly sleep and eat, and sleep again and eat and sleep with a few diaper changes in between.

You have a love/hate relationship with car rides. You finally found the little pink owl that hangs on your car seat handle that sings and lights up, you stare at it and even though you make a funny face at it sometimes you seem to enjoy it, it calms you down.

I love you more and more every day, and when I think about you getting older I cry.
I hope you'll always love me as much as you love me today.

You're my favorite!
- Mommy

Weight: 10.14 lbs
Height: 24.5 in.
Eye Color: Still Blue! Hooray!
Hair Color: Dark Brown, but it's getting lighter.
Diaper Size: Size 1
Clothes Size: 0-3 Months but baby clothes sizing is so weird!!!!! Some 0-3 are too small on you, some are just right and some are too big! Go figure... You are long so your 0-3 PJs are getting tight and a pain in the butt to zip up/button up!
Sleep: You have been such a great sleeper lately! You sleep in your bassinet and on the weekends when you wake up super early Mommy feeds you and then lets you stay in bed to cuddle! Now that Mommy is back to work, I have to wake you up at 4:45AM to eat! But once you get to Vovó's house you take a long nap!
Eating: Every 3-4 hours, but I let you sleep through the night for as long as you want, sometimes you even last 7+ hours! Wooo hooooo!!!!
Likes: Mommy's Milk, looking at lights, being outside, same as last month, but now you also like watching things like the TV, phone, any toys with lights and/or sounds. And I think you're liking your MamaRoo better too! And you LOVE taking baths!
Dislikes: Getting out of the bath still! You get sooooooo mad!!!
Milestones: You're flipping over!! It's so crazy! One time you did it and you scared yourself and cried so much, my poor baby!
Firsts: So many this time! First time away from Mommy for more than a few minutes, First Halloween, first time trick or treating, first road trip, first event. First time sleeping through the night.
Personality: You are feisty! You know what you want, and when you want it, you want it NOW!!! But you are also super sweet, and smiley, and cute, and delicious! Seriously, you are such a good girl! I hope you stay that way forever, my sweet baby.

And Baby Girl didn't cry one bit this time, hooray!
So here's a super cute pic of her after she fell over haha.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Celebrating Emma - A Princess Themed Baby Shower!

My fabulous friend Amanda, the creative mind behind Lovely Bee Photography, who I shout out all the time for her amazing talent behind the lens was a guest at my Baby Shower, but of course she couldn't resist and ended up doubling as the photographer and got some beautiful pictures!

My friend Ashly and my mom hosted, we had an all girls brunch at a special beach resort, in which I spent plenty of time in during my college days.

*Update: My dress is from Amazon. I had a lot of people asking me about it! :)

Check out Emma's Princess Baby Shower!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Lalabu Soothe Shirt

I am so excited to share this amazing item with you all, the Soothe Shirt!

The Soothe Shirt is an all-in-one stylish top, cozy pouch, nursing bra all-in-one.
Let me tell you how much I love this shirt... A LOT!

I honestly wear it almost every day! Emma loves it too, she likes to be close to me, and when I need to get things done around the house and don't feel like wrapping, I just put this top on, put Emma in the pouch and go about my day. If I need to nurse, all I need to do is pull the tank to the side and Emma has access to start nursing.

Check it out:
Here I'm rocking the Soothe Shirt as a regular tank top.
It's nice and stretchy, and extra long which I love because it covers my waist.

This is definitely my favorite tank top, doesn't Emma look so cozy in there?
She tends to fall asleep after I walk around for a while with her in the pouch.

When I wear it out I get so many questions, everyone loves seeing how it works, how comfortable Emma looks in it, and how easy it is to carry your baby around.
People think it's the coolest thing and I agree! :)

I'm so happy that I have the chance to share this awesome baby product with so many people online, and when I go out, and even happier that I have this to use with my Baby Girl!

Lalabu is named in honor of the woman who taught founders Keri and Brian how to wrap babies on a trip to Africa. I absolutely love that 2% of all sales are given to moms in Africa, supporting mom entrepreneurs through micro-finance. They are the creators of the Soothe Shirt and other innovative products for mom and baby.

Click here to get your own, it is so worth it!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Newborn Favorites

Hello Ladies! (And Gents if there are any reading my blog!)

I wanted to put together a little list of my Newborn Favorites to share with you all, the following items were really my must haves, and still are! They really helped me with Emma's first few weeks.

Check them out:

HALO Bassinest- This bassinet is awesome! It's in my bedroom and right next to me, I love that it swivels and has all these cool little features on it. I was very hesitant to buy it because it's pricey and Emma won't get to use it for more than a few months, but it has been worth it!

MamaRoo- Another pricey item, definitely a splurge, but I love it and so does Emma! This is where she takes her naps during the day. She's actually right next to me on it, sleeping as I blog! :)

Soothie Pacifiers- These are the only pacifiers Emma will take! She's not big on pacifiers to begin with, and will only use them until she calms down, then she spits them out. She would cry every time they fell out of her mouth at night, but the last 2 nights she has actually slept all night without them!

Aden & Anais Swaddle Blanket Bag- I loveeeeeeee these! Emma only sleeps for a long period of time if she's tightly swaddled with her arms in and these blanket bags are amazing! They're light enough for her to wear on top of her PJs, and they have such adorable prints too!

NoseFrida- Ok, I was that mom that said I would NEVER use this because it's disgusting... Flash forward to your crying baby miserable because she can't breathe with a super stuffy nose, and the dumb bulb isn't helping at all.. Bring in the Nose Frida. Works wonders! And it has a filter so nothing goes in your mouth.

Aden & Anais Swaddlers- Cute prints, amazing texture, lightweight, these are my go-to all time favorite little blankets. I use them to wrap Emma, to cover her carseat in the car without making it too hot in there for her, to cover myself while breastfeeding. These are awesome!

Boppy Pillow- I use it for breastfeeding sometimes, and it helped visitors hold her when she was super tiny!

Whale Bath Sponge- This is a cushion that makes it easy to bathe newborns and infants, it has really helped me while bathing Emma because she just lays on it without slipping and I have both hands free to wash her. It is designed to support your baby while in the tub.

Honest Company Diapers- My all time favorite diapers. To me they're like disposable cloth diapers, that's how I would describe them. These diapers have plant-based inner and outer layers are gentle on your baby's skin, they contain natural citrus and chlorophyll for odor prevention and wheat/corn blend in super-absorbent core. I like that they're free from a bunch of chemicals!

Honest Company Wipes- These wipes are the bomb! (Haha) They feel like mini towels, they are also free from chemicals, and I like that they don't irritate Emma's booty.

Honest Company Shampoo & Body Wash- I love how soft Emma's skin feels after a bath using this body wash. Her hair smells so good and gets so fluffy too!

Honest Company Diaper Cream- This cream is expensive. I said it. It's expensive so I don't use it with every single diaper change. It is lightweight and not super chunky/creamy like most diaper creams, so it really is my favorite! I use this cream mostly for the overnight diapers since Emma will have it on her skin for a longer period of time.

Honest Healing Balm- If Emma's skin looks red, I apply this right away! It also helps with dry skin.

Also, check out my post about the Owlet Monitor, this monitor has also been my favorite!
If you are interested in purchasing it, click HERE!

Hope this helped you mamas to be looking to get ready for those first few weeks! :)